Finance Analyst Starter Kit

Aiming to work in Finance?

The deep-dive articles below will help you learn:
1) How the Finance World works.
2) How to Crush IB/PE/IM interviews with our Proven Frameworks.

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Our Deep-Dive Finance Article Library

A Stick figure confused when researching Hedge Funds vs Mutual Funds
a stick figure confused about the question What is an Investment Bank?
a stick figure pondering the question, ‘What is a Hedge Fund?’
World of Finance
An image showing Private Equity vs Venture Capital
Buyside vs Sellside
: A stick figure answering an interview question with the title text 'Walk Me Through an LBO' below
: A stick figure answering an interview question with the title text 'Walk Me Through an LBO' below
An image of a lightbulb with the text Unlevered Beta Formula
A lightbulb and the words Purchase Price Allocation
A lightbulb and the text deferred revenue
Two stick figures discussing Accretion Dilution
The Revenue Run Rate and a lightbulb
the depreciation tax shield and a lightbulb